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Pick A Side_Part 2 Secrets of Power
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Pick A Side (Secrets of Power)- Part 2
Last time we discussed about the two forms of power: the authentic and the counterfeit, the truth and the lie, the good and the evil, light vs darkness. We established that they are two opposing forces. They are living forces and there is no way to interweave the two. You can either pick a side or stay in between. We also agreed that in between in - 'the grey area', is the place to experience 'no power' and sliding between sides is easy because it is separated by a thin line. So Pick a Side!
Now that we have covered the basis of our previous discussion, let's delve into details of the different types of power,\; how they are obtained, how they are lost and how they are maintained. We will also talk more on the four types of power on this blog and in the following blog we shall further investigate the other types of powers out there and the costs of loosing them.
Just so we are clear, each source of power is equally potent, lethal and effective and the benefits of obtaining these powers are pretty similar with tiny little differences here and there.
Types of Power
1. Giftings- Power can be offered in the form of enabling an individual to perform a skill, create or manifest in supernatural talent which is explained in lame terms as a gift or reward. In Christianity it is known as 'Anointing', in art it is called 'Genius' and in sports it is viewed as "Greatest of ALL Time'. It is obtained by concentrated discipline to master the craft backed by worship of the Giver to maintain the gift. The Giver of this type of power must be continually worshipped and regarded in high esteem. The receiver of this gifting is then made to display this power as a manifestation of who the Giver is and all who witness it will remain in awe of the giver. In such instances this is where the thin line comes to play, because wherever this gifting is displayed, all those who witness it, whether intensionally or inadventently becomes partakers of the worship of the giver.
But here's how you loose this power. When the receiver becomes obsessed with the gift and forgets it's source or ignores his reponsibility of awe and worship of the Giver, allowing hmself to be deceived with pride that he can excel independently of the giver, the gifting is taken away. Can be seen in the story of Samson in the Bible.
2. Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding - This is a type of power that man develops through constant reading, research, quest, discovery and teachings. When he stops searching, this power is lost. He needs to remain in constant quest for more knowledge inorder to build this level of power which makes him unstoppable. "Knowledge is power", as they say. It surely is. The owl is a symbol that is often used to depict this type of power and there is no source of power that does not require deeper study, reading, incantations, meditations and teachings to sustain this level of power. Like an owl it often requires staying up at night when others sleep to fully cover and comprehend reading materials and teachings.
There's only one way to get this type of power: study to show yourself approved. Read, learn, recall, memorize, store and apply what is taught, Hear, listen (there's a difference) and put into practice, emulate good examples of those operating in that power and pass it on to your generations. Whether the source of power is the authentic or counterfeit, this principle will always work for you. Without this type of power, you will never the wise enough to operate in any other kind of power and your giftings are useless.
3. Authority - One must understand the levels of authority that they can operate in based on the source of the power obtained. The highest form of authority is obtained with the authentic source of power. Counterfeit power can only display a higher authority if given the permission to do so by the Giver of the authentic with limitations imposed. A man can also give permission for the counterfeit to have authority over him, through 'fear'. There is therefore only one way to loose Authority: FEAR. When fear is present, the power of authority is weakened. There is no winning, when 'fear' rules.
Authority is only given to the receiver after a period of time. So it is obtained over time from a proven record of devotion to the giver. It cannot be taken or demanded. It is earned through tests and trials. Authority cannot be bought and 'to whom much is given, much is expected'. Tests can often come in the form of demand for a sacrifice made to the Giver and when this test is successfully completed, a measure of Authority is handed over to the receiver. There are levels of authority and no one receives full level. It is given in doses and one must be careful to reverence the recipient of a higher authority or you will be cut off. Higher authority is given based on levels of sacrifices made. So higher authority must be respected, recognised, celebrated and honored. These are principles no matter the source of power.
4. Control - This shall be the last type of power that shall be covered in this blog. Control is a means to obtain the respect and fear of followers. So it is two-fold. It is first of all, put in place by the Giver to ensure that the receiver remembers where the power lies and does not rebel against or challenge the Giver, because this type of power is a very lethal weapon. Controls are therefore essential to restrain the receiver from using it against his Giver. On the other hand the receiver obtains the power to control things, people and energies below his level of authority and this enables him to both speak and imagine new realities into tangible existence. If not being made fully aware of its full capabilities through teachings and research, many receivers of this type of power may never be able to use or operate in it. Receiver can have the ability to control the universe, to dictate the future, to shape destinies and outcomes simply through speech and thought. It is a type of power that can be mastered with constant use over time and through the unwavering faith in the Giver.
However, remember this type of power is the most lethal so it has to be two fold. The giver now creates a power to control the receiver by installing rigid boundaries, consequences or costs and limitations. We shall talk on those later.
One can loose this type of power by rebellion and maintain it through constant training of the mind and speech to align to desired outcomes.
So that's all for now folks. Next time we shall continue talking about the different types of power.
Till then, "be patient with yourself. Your destiny is not going to happen in a day, there is always the chance of another day, so keep dreaming".... goddess rants