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Pick A Side _ Part 3 Secret of Power
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Pick A Side (Part 3)- The Secrets of Power
Hi folks. I'm back with the secrets of power. Last time we tried to understand the different types of power, how they can be obtained, maintained and lost. We still have two more types of power to talk about and then discuss the limitations of power and costs of losing your power. As I mentioned in part 1, it will take a whole lifetime to talk about the secrets of power so watch out for the book titled, Secrets of Power- Pick a Side by JayceePEE! Ok now, let's go deeper.
5). Presence - This is another type of power. There is a certain aura, energy or frequency that accompanies a man or 'being' that is full of power. When he enters a room, his presence influences the atmosphere in the room. So also is the source of his power. Those who are powerless (ie. in the grey area- see Part 1&2 about the powerless), cannot portray this type of power and cannot sense its existence.
No matter the source (Read Part 1 for more on the two sources of power: authentic or counterfeit) he commands a certain presence or energy field that neutralises all other forces in the environment that operates in a lower level of his authority (read Part 2 to learn more about Authority). This is why some people cannot stand being in the same room with you if you are both of opposing presence and you have a higher level of authority (i.e your source of power is clashing).
The power of presence dictates who rules in a geographic region and that is why some people cannot survive in certain households, cities or states, countries or geographical region until they move. In the Bible, God moves people geographically inorder to bless them (Abraham, Isrealites, Jacob). Presence causes people that used to flourish in an area, shrink when a higher authority walks in and rule. This is why it is good for you to know your leaders and have your say in who rules. Presence changes destinies.
Presence dictates relationships and this is why 'unequally yoked' partners (a relationship with people of two opposing presence) cannot survive even if they love each other or are in agreement with their ideals.
How does one develop the full presence of his Giver?
Presence is obtained by meditation and inhaling or consuming the fragrance of a medium that emanates this type of energy and waves in the air. Presence is not physical, it is SPIRIT. It is not seen, it is SENSED ('6th' sense)- disernment. It dwells or resides in a place and does not need a body to survive, just a spirit. It can be summoned, it can invoked. It is hard to explain.
Presence can be felt and detested if not of the same frequency or level. This is why it is not possible to get along with everybody even the Bible urges you to just try. Opposing presence can make you 'not like' some people even if you dont even know them personally or even if you just met them for the first time. If their presence clashes with yours, you will never feel comfortable being around them.
How do you maintain your presence?
The same way it is obtained, is the same way it is maintained. Meditation!!! Silence in chaos, zen moments and quietness. Seclusion, separation, retreat and reflection. Self love, self evaluation and building up the spirit through the wisdom and spoken word of your source of power.
How do you loose your presence?
Familiarity with powerless people. Playing around in the grey area or crossing the thin line (Read Part 2 to undertand more). One can also loose one's presence by stopping to meditate and being around constant noise, chaos, strife, distractions and the opposing energy. So if you are of the Authentic Power but is constantly around the Counterfeit power you loose your authentic power. However, you may think you will gain the opposing power, no. It does not work like that. You might have to start afresh by building up a new presence through meditation in the opposing realm as you had done when you were operating in the other realm.
6). Sustaining Power: There are many other types of powers, but these are the key. So the last type we will talk about will be the sustaining type of power- endurance, the power of the Soul!
The soul commands emotions, passion, inspiration, imagination and creativity. It is the type of power that rules over all other types of powers. It is governed by Will. This cannot be controlled by the Giver. So even God, the authentic power, cannot control a man's will. He gives him the power to choose. The soul decides and cannot be controlled by his giver. So even when you are about to enter into any covenant with the giver (God or the devil), they need your permission. A soul cannot be controlled without his permission .
Here's another nugget. The soul cannot die but can be rendered inactive or powerless. It lives forever but is subject to consequences of its decisions. It holds all secrets, all feelings, all decisions and all thoughts and imaginations. It is the seat of a man's destiny. It is your sustaining power. So guard your soul with all your might and choose well who you're letting in.
A soul can be bought. Selling your soul is literally giving the permission to a giver to infill his presence in your spirit and take over. This is the timestamp that marks your official crossing over of the thin line. This mark cannot be erased except with the sacrifice of blood from someone who loves you! That is the only way to reverse or retract a permission that was previously given.
You cannot loose your sustaining power. It can either be transferred from one source to the other or remain inactive due to owner being in the grey area. Neither hot nor cold.
Benefits of Authentic Sustaining Power
Authentic sustaining power survives the test of time literally, meaning even after death, it flourishes in eternity. Authentic sustaining power, prospers. It does not go out. It might glow one day, might go dim the next but it cannot be put out. It reignites when it's spirit is refilled with his source (God). The Authentic power never change. And so a soul that is connected to this type of power does not diminish in value. It remains unfazed in time or eternity. It remains unflawed and unbothered through adversity and keeps a steady balance (equilibrium) in a wavy situation.
Costs of Loosing Power (Consequences of operating 'in the grey area')
Power can be lost whether authentic or counterfeit and some costs are evident.
1. Loosing sustaining power results in the death of the power associated with the soul which renders the soul inactive, powerless and ineffective. It can be re-ignited on earth by an opposing power after the sacrifice of blood of a loved one. After death, it cannot be re-ignited by an opposing power but remains in its state of existence forever. Depending on its decisions, a soul can face eternal turmoil or peace.
Solution: illumination from the Authentic on earth; after death there is NO solution
2. Loosing presence causes lose of influence and dorminance. You are limited to only operate as far the 'powers that be' can allow. Those in authority can dictate your future, your destiny and your fate and you can do nothing about it.
Solution: meditation and seclusion, retreat and fasting
3. Loosing control, including self - control, can result in loosing the power to fight. You are now ruled by fear, doubt, feelings and frustrations. You can no longer control your self or circumstances around you. All that's left is a state of confusion, anarchy, paranoia and anxiety.
Solution: Faith in the Authentic Power
4. Loosing Authority causes you to be taken lightly in all quarters of life. Not treated seriously. Not regarded or just simply ignored. Overlooked and despised. It is the state of being viewed as worthless and unimportant. You loose your self-esteem, and all hope and no voice to speak.
Solution: Sacrifice time, talents, submission and resources
5. Loosing Wisdom makes you a total fool. You are tread on, spat on and dismissed. You cannot make wise decisions or take longer to make them. You are easily deceived because you lack discernment. You are easily bamboozled and become less confident in your abilities or worth. Lack of wisdom causes people to perish on earth- be content to live in abject poverty and a depraved state of immorality or ignorance, without making any efforts for change.
Solution: study to show yourself approved
6. Loosing giftings is the hardest. To be well known for a gift and loose all like a well-known basketball player that suffers from an injury and can never step his foot on the court again. It makes you humble and causes deep suffering and inward feelings of regret, pain and envy of those who are excelling in that gift. Loosing giftings like Samson did, can cause a man to commit suicide, hate himself, as in the case of world known famous people, even when people might think they have it all.
Solution: humility and worship of the Authentic power
Restoration of Power
Restoration of power is not as easy as turning on a switch. Come back next time for the last episode of Secrets of Power: how to restore power and what happens after your power is restored.
Till then, the joy of the Lord is your strength. So dont let the devil steal your joy. Joy is not happiness but a state of mind over matter. Stay tuned for our next series: Mind over Matter- Think on these things.